First Day Tuesday 16th February 2021 |
08h30-09h30 |
Login Registrations |
10h00-11h00 |
Inaugural Ceremony |
Welcome Address by
Dr. V. K. Garg
Former Chairman, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission &
Former CMD, Power Finance Corporation |
Theme Address by
Mr. Anil Razdan
Chairman, Energy And Environment Foundation
Former Secretary Power, Government of India |
Guest-of-Honour Address by
Mr. Tarun Kapoor
Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Government of India |
Mr. Anil Kumar Jain
Secretary, Ministry of Coal
Government of India |

Award Presentation
Energy And Environment Foundation "Global Excellence Awards 2021"
in Petroleum, Coal, Gas, Biofuels & Environment Sectors |
Inaugural Address
HE. Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan
Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Steel
Government of India |
Vote of Thanks by
Dr. Anil K Garg
World Future Fuel Summit 2021 |
11h00 onwards |
Display of e-Poster Papers
11h00-11h30 |
Networking Tea/Coffee Break
11h30-13h30 |
Plenary Session- I
“Ethanol : Fuel of the Future” |
13h30-14h00 |
Power Connect Lunch |
14h00-15h30 |
“Aviation Biofuels for Sustainable Future” |
15h30-16h00 |
Networking Tea/Coffee Break |
16h00-17h30 |
“Green Hydrogen: Zero Emission Fuel for Mobility” |
Mr. Anil Razdan
Chairman, Energy And Environment Foundation
Former Secretary Power, Government of India |
Dr. R. K. Malhotra
Director General
Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry |
Prof. Nigel Brabdon
Chair, Sustainable Development-Energy
Imperial College London, UK |
Professor Makoto HARADA
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technologya (AIST)
Research Adviser, TOKAI University Reseach Associate, Japan |
Mr. Christian Pho Duc
Managing Director H2 Projects
Smartenergy Invest AG, Switzerland |
Dr. K. K. Pant
Professor & Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi
Adjunct Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Mr. Alan Kneisz
Business Development Director
Cummins-Hydrogenics Corporation, Germany |
Prof. Dr. ir. Joris Proost
Division of Materials and Process Engineering
Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium |
Mr. Edgare Kerkwijk
Board Member Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Association, Singapore |
17h30-18h00 |
Networking Tea/Coffee Break |
18h00-19h30 |
“Hydrogen: Potential and Future” |